Cognitive Health: Measure, Monitor, and Transform.

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What Are Cognitive Domains?

They refer to specific areas of mental function, each contributing to various aspects of our cognitive processes:
  • Memory: The process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information. It includes short term memory (holding information temporarily) and long-term memory (storing information over an extended period).

  • Attention: The ability to focus on specific stimuli or tasks while ignoring distractions. This includes sustained attention (maintaining focus over time), selective attention (focusing on one thing while ignoring others), and divided attention (managing multiple tasks simultaneously).

  • Language: Skills involved in understanding and producing spoken and written communication. This includes vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and verbal expression.

  • Executive Functioning: Higher order cognitive processes that enable goal-directed behaviour. This involves planning, organizing, problem-solving, decision-making, and controlling impulses.

  • Visuospatial Skills: The ability to understand and interpret visual and spatial relationships in the environment. This includes tasks like reading maps, judging distances, and navigating through space.

  • Social Cognition: The ability to understand and process social interactions. This encompasses recognizing emotions in others, understanding social cues, theory of mind (understanding others’ perspectives), and maintaining social relationships.

Each of these domains plays a crucial role in our overall cognitive functioning and daily life activities.


What’s Neuroplasticity? 

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s amazing ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This means your brain can adapt and change as a result of experience, learning, or injury. Essentially, it’s the brain’s way of “rewiring” itself to be more efficient and adapt to new situations.

Examples include learning a new skill, recovering from a brain injury, or even adapting to sensory losses like blindness. It’s a dynamic process, showing just how resilient and adaptable our brains can be. Cool, right?

Cognitive Impairment And Need For Mental Exercise

As we get older, our brains get smaller and the communication within brain areas slows down. This can affect our ability to learn and remember things.   

To keep your brain healthy, it is important to exercise your mind, stay active, eat well, and stay connected to friends and family. 

An early sign of dementia can be forgetting something that happened recently. For example, a conversation with a family member or a recent event. 

Mayo Clinic
Study: study aims at investigating the effects of tablet-based puzzle video games on cognitive function and emotional well-being. 
To be Released
UPD Hospital Study:
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a major public health issue. Cognitive interventions such as computerized cognitive trainings (CCT) are effective in attenuating cognitive decline in AD. However, in those at risk of dementia related to AD, results are heterogeneous. Efficacy and feasibility of CCT needs to be explored in depth. Moreover, underlying mechanisms of CCT effects on the three cognitive domains typically affected by AD (episodic memory, semantic memory and spatial abilities) remain poorly understood.

Research and Clinical Partners

Success Story: Mrs. Rose Tackles MCI with Cognitive Games


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